Make it your own.

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“When I first started the process of vocal coaching, I was genuinely worried that I wouldn't be able to adopt a more feminine voice, or that I would end up sounding like a caricature. I needn’t have worried though. Over the course of my time working with Lori, I have begun to find my voice. Not a voice that sounds forced or a caricature of what a feminine voice should sound like, but something that sounds natural and relaxed. It’s not been quick or easy, but nothing worth having ever is.” 
- Robin

I am repeatedly inspired by the people with whom I work. During conversation, they often express their thoughts in ways that are practically poetic and I find myself wishing I could share their words with my other clients. I was gratified and moved the day Robin first “found her voice”. It was an exciting day for us both and she expressed her satisfaction with the words above. This is what I wish for all my voice clients - a voice that is beautiful. Functional. Authentic.

Anyone who has watched the televised talent shows knows the value of authenticity. A true voice resonates and connects with listeners. It is so much more interesting than mimicry. The sound of your voice is an important component of your identity, so make sure it is yours alone.